IDAT Concise


Download the brochure to find out more about IDAT Concise


Download this handbook if you are going to take your IDAT Concise test.

关于 IDAT Concise

economical, effective and reliable student assessment test


与IDAT一样,IDAT简明版也是基于IDAT的国际课程。IDAT简明版评估完全在线进行,由计算机进行评分。它们能够快速、准确地测量学生的能力。对于那些没有时间或不需要进行更长分析的学校来说,这是非常方便的。IDAT简明版可以在学校内交付和监考,也可以使用被广泛认可的IDAT Secure 360的录制版本进行。IDAT简明版提供安全、一致、即时的结果,帮助学校为学生提供支持。


You can take a quick look at what the test platform will look like here.
English Curriculum
Mathematics Curriculum
Critical Thinking & Logic Curriculum

IDAT Concise Test Format

   IDAT – Concise English IDAT – Concise Total
考试阶段 All School Years/Grades
Test Time 60 mins 90 mins
English (Reading & Writing)
English (Listening & Speaking)
数学  ×
Logic ×
批判性思维 × √ (Stage 3 – 6 only)


Stage 1 Test Structure

Students applying for Aus/US/Can Year 1, 2 or beginning Year 3. UK Year 2, 3, beginning Year 4

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and
英语测试:听力和口语 性格测试 数学

(IDAT – Concise Total test only)


(IDAT – Concise Total test only)

  • 带图短文的阅读理解 
  • Order events in narratives or procedures 
  • Select appropriate words/phrases to align with text type &  match pictures. 
  • 标点和大写 
  • 高频词汇 
  • Spelling & Phonics
  • Short avatar-conducted interview to provide a sample to schools for school-based analysis of student’s oral abilities 
  • Listening to narratives and procedures to match pictures to words and identify details. 
  • 自我意识
  • 冒险、适应性和弹性
  • 创造力和问题解决能力
  • 平面几何学
  • 三维几何学
  • Measurement – Length
  • Measurement – Time
  • Patterns – Number & Place Value
  • 加法和减法
  • 分数和小数
  • 统计
  • Logic – IQ-style testing of patterns, space & problem solving 

Stage 2 Test Structure

Students applying for Aus/US/Can Year 3, 4 or beginning Year 5. UK Year 4, 5, beginning Year 6

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and
英语测试:听力和口语 性格测试 数学

(IDAT – Concise Total test only)


(IDAT – Concise Total test only)

  • 带图短文的阅读理解和文章梗概 
  • Selecting words and phrases appropriate to narrative text types. 
  • Editing for punctuation  
  • 后缀、前缀和高频词 
  • Spelling & phonics
  • Short avatar-conducted interview to provide a sample to schools for school-based analysis of student’s oral abilities 
  • Listening to narratives to match descriptions to pictures or for specific details, gist or order of events. 
  • 自我意识
  • 冒险、适应性和弹性
  • 创造力和问题解决能力
  • 应用题
  • 平面几何学
  • 角度
  • Measurement – Length
  • Measurement – Time
  • 加法和减法
  • 乘法和除法
  • 分数和小数
  • Logic – IQ-style testing of patterns, space & problem solving 

Stage 3 Test Structure

Students applying Aus/US/Can Year 5, 6 or beginning Year 7. UK Year 6, 7, beginning Year 8

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and
英语测试:听力和口语 性格测试 数学

(IDAT – Concise Total test only)


(IDAT – Concise Total test only)

  • 带有细节信息,总结及文章主旨的阅读理解
  • 文章类型:程序,叙述,解释性和辩论性
  • 复杂句
  • 逗号
  • 直接和间接演讲
  • 模态和短语
  • 动词时态(现在时,过去时,将来时,完成时和被动)
  • 习语,名词短语和词根
  • 拼写
  • Short avatar-conducted interview to provide a sample to schools for school-based analysis of student’s oral abilities
  • Listening to a short story for specific details and gist
  • 自我意识
  • 冒险、适应性和弹性
  • 创造力和问题解决能力
  • 三维几何学
  • 平面几何学
  • 角度
  • 测量-长度和空间
  • 数字-位值
  • 加法和减法
  • 乘法和除法
  • 分数
  • 小数点
  • Logic – IQ-style testing of patterns, space & problem solving 
  • Critical Thinking – Assumption, Deduction, Interpretation, Inference & Evaluation of Arguments

Stage 4 Test Structure

Students applying Aus/US/Can Year 7, 8 or beginning Year 9. UK Year 8, 9, beginning Year 10

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and
英语测试:听力和口语 性格测试 数学

(IDAT – Concise Total test only)


(IDAT – Concise Total test only)

  • Reading comprehension for information and summary purposes
  • Editing and selecting words in context and for text types – explanatory, argumentative and informative
  • Sentence types and structures
  • 近义词和低频单词
  • 拼写
  • Short avatar-conducted interview to provide a sample to schools for school-based analysis of student’s oral abilities
  • Listening to an informational text for specific details and gist
  • 自我意识
  • 冒险、适应性和弹性
  • 创造力和问题解决能力
  • 加法
  • 除法
  • 代数
  • Integers – Ordering
  • 小数点
  • 分数
  • 减法
  • 乘法
  • 应用题
  • 测量与几何
  • Logic – IQ-style testing of patterns, space & problem solving 
  • Critical Thinking – Assumption, Deduction, Interpretation, Inference & Evaluation of Arguments

Stage 5 Test Structure

Students applying Aus/US/Can Year 9, 10 or beginning Year 11. UK Year 10, 11, beginning Year 12

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and
英语测试:听力和口语 性格测试 数学

(IDAT – Concise Total test only)


(IDAT – Concise Total test only)

  • Reading and evaluating classical writing and literary devices for comprehension
  • Editing and selecting words in context and for text types – explanatory, argumentative and informative
  • Colons & Semicolons
  • 段落和连接词
  • 高级词汇
  • 习语、委婉语、俚语
  • 拼写
  • Short avatar-conducted interview to provide a sample to schools for school-based analysis of student’s oral abilities
  • Listening to a descriptive text for specific details and gist
  • 自我意识
  • 冒险、适应性和弹性
  • 创造力和问题解决能力
  • 方程式
  • 模型 & 代数
  • 线 & 多边形
  • 图形变形
  • 偶然性,概率 & 比率
  • 分数和小数
  • 代数分数
  • 整数
  • 面积 & 体积
  • 时间 & 刻度
  • 均值,图解 & 表格
  • Logic – IQ-style testing of patterns, space & problem solving 
  • Critical Thinking – Assumption, Deduction, Interpretation, Inference & Evaluation of Arguments

Stage 6 Test Structure

考生申请Aus/US/Can Year 11, 12. UK Year 12, 13

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and
英语测试:听力和口语 性格测试 数学

(IDAT – Concise Total test only)


(IDAT – Concise Total test only)

  • Reading and evaluating challenging texts for comprehension and identifying literary devices in classical writing
  • Editing and selecting words in context and for text types – explanatory and informative
  • Sentence variety, linking words and flow of longer written pieces
  • 词义解释、词义差别、生词和词性
  • 拼写
  • Short avatar-conducted interview to provide a sample to schools for school-based analysis of student’s oral abilities
  • Listening to a controversial lecture for specific details and gist
  • 自我意识
  • 冒险、适应性和弹性
  • 创造力和问题解决能力
  • 勾股定理 & 直角三角形
  • 正弦 & 余弦规律
  • 三角形面积
  • 等差数列
  • 等比数列
  • 三角数列
  • 二项式定理
  • Real & Complex Numbers (Imaginary)
  • 共轭复数
  • 复数的运算
  • 矩阵
  • 可能性
  • Logic – IQ-style testing of patterns, space & problem solving 
  • Critical Thinking – Assumption, Deduction, Interpretation, Inference & Evaluation of Arguments
