$ 800,000.00 $ 599,000.00
Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem.
$ 580,000.00
Beautiful home on quiet, tree lined street. Addition and renovation create desirable.
$ 320,000.00
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh.
Masada College 马萨达学院是澳洲一所提供顶级犹太及素质教育的精英私立学校,卓越的教育成就声名远扬,学术成绩斐然,学校学生的学业成绩在新南威尔士州乃至全澳洲一直都名列前茅。学校实行独特的瑞吉欧教育法和思维文化教育法来培养学生独立思考的能力。
St Augustine’s College-Sydney 悉尼圣奥古斯丁学院,于1956年建校,由圣奥古斯丁的教士们创立,是悉尼最优秀的私立男子中学之一。该校座落在悉尼北部的海滨地区Brookvale,距离悉尼市中心30分钟船程。这一带是高尚的居民住宅区,以干净、安全和优美的环境而著称。
For almost 150 years, PLC has been at the forefront of girls’ education, inspiring our students to follow their passions, explore every opportunity and achieve to the very best of their abilities. Nurtured within a strong Christian community, our girls care for and respect one another, becoming global citizens with an informed understanding of other cultures and a deep appreciation for the world around them.