IDAT Test Taker Handbook for CIS (HK) – On Campus Test

IDAT Test Taker Handbook for The Chinese International School (Hong Kong)

This page is for the purpose of CIS (HK) Admissions only.


The Chinese International School, Hong Kong requests that any student who takes the IDAT assessment, does so for the purpose of CIS Admissions only.  Any student who independently registers and takes the fully paid test does so understanding that if they take the test for CIS as well, CIS will be informed that they have taken the test multiple times.  CIS will frown upon this and it may affect the student’s ability to be successful in the CIS application process.

There will be NO sharing of results. Test results will only be disclosed to The Chinese International School, Hong Kong.

1. Structure of the Test

3 sections of the test

ENGLISH - Reading & Writing

The English curriculum for IDAT assesses grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, phonics and spelling through multiple-choice questions. The reading texts, as appropriate to age and grade level,require students to identify themes, details, characters, literary devices and understanding.  The writing is conducted using a keyboard with students needing to demonstrate comprehensive English skills, sentence creation/variance, and appropriate register. The writing test for CIS is specific to CIS and not like the IDAT mentioned on the website. The writing test for CIS students are as follows:

  • applying for 7 & 8: a personal essay. 
  • applying for 9 &10: a personal opinion essay
  • applying for 11 & 12: an argumentative essay.

ENGLISH - Speaking & Listening

The speaking and listening are assessed in an innovative method. IDAT simulates a real classroom and social environment in having students conduct a conversation with an avatar.  Listening comprehension and abilities are based on students’ abilities to understand questions, listen to the avatar tell stories and recount details of what is understood.  The speaking element requires students to respond to relevant questions for schools to get to know a student and extended speeches which tell narratives, express points of view and show critical thought.


All questions are multiple choices.

Students will complete between 14-24 multiple-choice math problems.  They will have 2-3 questions per type of math listed on the outline of the Stage test.  The test includes algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics, equations, etc., and the test will comprehensively examines students’ mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills.  For questions requiring a calculator, the calculator will appear on the screen for students to use.

The Logic section assesses students’ thinking abilities, including transformation, patterns, problem-solving and deductive skills, the questions are all multiple-choice questions. The logic component helps to demonstrate a student’s cognitive strengths.

The Critical Thinking section looks at student’s abilities to understand inference, interpretation, assumption, deduction and evaluate sources.  These are also multiple-choice questions.


Students will have selected whether they prefer to take the test in Simplified or Traditional Chinese before arriving to the test. The test will occur online within the same system as other parts of the test. The reading section needs to be completed in 15 minutes. The test will assess knowledge of Chinese language comprehension and usage, including Chinese characters, vocabulary, phrases, idioms, and grammar, as well as comprehension of Chinese literature. This portion will be conducted through multiple-choice questions.

In contrast, the written section of the test will be completed using pen and paper and submitted to the examiner upon completion. The writing prompts will be displayed on the screen, and the timer will continue to run while students compose their answers. Students will choose one of two writing tasks to complete within 30 minutes.

2. Find Your Test Stage and Format

4 Stages based upon the year of study

Stage 3

Applying for Year 7

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Writing (65 mins)English: Listening & Speaking
(20 mins)

(5 mins)

Mathematics, Logic & Critical Thinking
(45 mins)

(5 mins)


(45 mins)

  • Reading comprehension for information, summary and purpose

  • Text types: Personal Essay

  • Complex sentences

  • Commas

  • Direct & indirect speech

  • Modals & phrases

  • Verb tenses (present, past, future, perfect & passive)

  • Idioms, Noun phrases, & Root Words

  • Spelling

  • Formal Interview Questions
  • Show interest in detail in interview answers
  • Listen to and summarise a short story with details

  • 3D Geometry

  • 2D Geometry

  • Angles

  • Measurement – Length & Space

  • Numbers – Place Value

  • Addition & Subtraction

  • Multiplication & Division

  • Fractions

  • Decimals


  • IQ style testing of patterns, space and problem solving

Critical Thinking:

  • Using deduction, assumption, inference, interpretation and evaluation of sources
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Writing

Stage 4

Applying for Year 8 & 9

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Writing (70 mins)English: Listening & Speaking
(20 mins)

(5 mins)

Mathematics, Logic & Critical Thinking
(45 mins)

(5 mins)


(45 mins)

  • Reading and critically comparing two similar texts

  • Reading for theme, summary, purpose and point of view

  • Text types: personal opinion essay

  • Paragraph constructions and varied sentence types

  • Nuance words and infrequent vocabulary

  • Spelling of longer words

  • Formal Interview Questions
  • Listening to information and relating to self in spoken response
  • Extended speaking about their strengths

  • Addition
  • Division
  • Algebra
  • Integers – Ordering
  • Decimals
  • Fractions
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Problem Solving
  • Measurement & Geometry


  • IQ style testing of patterns, space and problem solving

Critical Thinking:

  • Using deduction, assumption, inference, interpretation and evaluation of sources


  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Writing

Stage 5

Applying for Year 10 & 11

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Writing (80 mins)English: Listening & Speaking
(25 mins)

(5 mins)

Mathematics, Logic & Critical Thinking
(55 mins)

(5 mins)


(45 mins)

  • Reading to compare and contrast
  • Reading for comprehension and point of view
  • Reading and evaluating classical writing and literary devices
  • Text types: argumentative essay
  • Colons & Semi-Colons
  • Paragraphs, linking words and flow in writing
  • Refined vocabulary
  • Idioms, euphemisms & slang
  • Spelling
  • Formal Interview Questions
  • Responding to and giving opinions and points of view
  • Listening to imagery and description for details
  • Spoken descriptions with imagery
  • Equations
  • Patterns & Algebra
  • Lines & Polygons
  • Transformation
  • Chance, Rate & Ration
  • Fractions & Decimals
  • Algebraic Fractions
  • Whole Numbers
  • Area & Volume
  • Time & Scale
  • Means, Graphs & Tables


  • IQ style testing of patterns, space and problem solving

Critical Thinking:

  • Using deduction, assumption, inference, interpretation and evaluation of sources


  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Writing

Stage 6

Applying for Year 12

English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Writing (85 mins)English: Listening & Speaking
(25 mins)

(5 mins)

Mathematics, Logic & Critical Thinking
(55 mins)

(5 mins)


(45 mins)

  • Reading complex and challenging texts for comprehension
  • Identifying literary themes, central ideas and literary devices in classical writing
  • Text types: argumentative essay
  • Writing scientific processes and procedures
  • Paragraphs, sentence variety, linking words and flow of longer written pieces
  • Decoding, nuances, unknown words and parts of speech
  • Spelling and self-editing
  • Formal Interview Questions
  • Speaking about a controversial topic with reasoning
  • Mathematics:
  • Problem Solving
  • 2D Geometry
  • Angles
  • Measurement – Time
  • Measurement – Length
  • Addition & Subtraction
  • Multiplication & Division
  • Fractions & Decimals


  • IQ style testing of patterns, space and problem solving

Critical Thinking:

  • Using deduction, assumption, inference, interpretation and evaluation of sources
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Writing

3. Test Date & Time

Please contact CIS to see what their deadlines and testing dates are.

4. Preparing Your Test

Find the tips that can help you do well in the test.

Get to know the IDAT

Go to to read free information for test preparation. Please refer to the subject curriculum on our website for detailed testing areas and expected outcomes.

Become familiar with the structure of the test, including:

  • Question types
  • Things to remember
  • Useful English Vocabulary
  • Frequency sentence pattern
  • Example questions

Click each section to learn useful tips:

IDAT assessment for CIS (HK) admission tests ① English, Mathematics, Logic & Critical Thinking, and ③ Chinese only. Please ignore all other Global Knowledge topics listed on our website as they do not apply to CIS admission tests.

Logic questions consist of IQ testing questions such as transformation, patterns, problem-solving and deduction. The purpose of this is to show a student’s ability to think critically about a variety of questions. Critical thinking is an important part of global studies.

IDAT does not have practice tests for the Chinese section of the test. 

Log in your account and take a practice test (optional)

If you have an account already, please log in and find the practice test on the mock test page.

  • Practice tests are OPTIONAL and fees apply.
  • An IDAT account will ONLY be needed if you would like to take a practice test. You DO NOT need to sign up with IDAT if you are not willing to do so.
  • Keep in mind that the training test is designed to familiarise students with the format and functions of the IDAT test. The training test is shorter than the actual IDAT test.
  • Please ONLY practice your training tests via Google Chrome web browser. Please do not use any tablet devices to carry out the training test.
  • Please be aware that the training test occurs outside the formal test conditions. Your performance on this test does not guarantee an equivalent level of performance on your formal test day.

Register your IDAT account for practice test (Optional)

If you don’t have an account, you must register an IDAT Account to take the practice test.

Only genuine students can have a registered account or do practice tests.  You must turn on the camera and microphone and the student must match the student ID uploaded. If there is anyone else in the room, they cannot speak during the interview.  Do not record the practice test independently with an external device.  The practice test will not be marked or returned if the students has not abided by these test conditions. There are no refunds issued for misuse of the practice test. 

More Tips and Secrets to the Test

More tips, techniques and guidance are available for students and parents on how to prepare and succeed.

5. During Your Test

Please make sure your read through this part before the test day.

The test has 3 sections: ① English, ② Mathematics, Logic & Critical Thinking, and ③ Chinese.

The English and Chinese sections include writing, you are encouraged to write as much as possible, but please be aware of the time remaining.

  • English Writing: The writing is conducted using a keyboard. Students will choose one of two writing tasks to complete.
  • Chinese Writing: the written section of the test will be done with pen and paper and submitted to the examiner at the completion of the test.  The questions for writing will be on the screen and the timer will continue to run while the student is composing the answer.  

You should get your headset ready before the interview part. The questions will be asked by an avatar.  You should press the button on the screen when you are ready to answer, and your answer will be recorded. Click submit when you finish speaking. You have chance to repeat the question once before answering. 

Mathematics, Logic and Critical Thinking are multiple choice only. For each question that requires calculation, the test system will automatically turn on the calculator function. Be careful not to turn it off since it will not be displayed for the second time.

The remaining time will be shown on the screen. Once you complete the sections, you may jump to the next part. Keep an eye on the timer as you this is your responsibility.

Test Rules

The test taker MUST follow Secure 360 test rules. You must not engage in any form of deception or malpractice which may damage the integrity or security of the IDAT. The test taker who cheats or attempts to cheat will not be eligible for a refund for any fees paid. The student may be banned from taking future tests.

• Must be alone in a quiet, well-lit room, ensure that there is no interruption or noise during the test.

• Face, ear and head must be visible and unobscured, no heavy make up, otherwise you may fail the facial recognition.

• Blank paper and pencil are allowed. MUST be approved by the online proctor.

• Eating is not allowed, but you can drink water.

• You will not be allowed to record your responses or questions by using any device, copy work from anywhere, disrupt the test, or attempt to alter data or results of the test.

• Do not look away from the screen, you must keep staying on your seat during the test, you are not permitted to leave the room.

• You cannot use any other electronic devices during the test. Once found, your test will be CANCELLED.

• Your proctor can hear you during the test, however they are only able to communicate with you by sending you messages online.

• You MUST not open any other web pages during the test, the system will give you a warning if you are off your test page more than 10 seconds. Test will be CANCELLED if you receive 3 warnings.

• Any student or family member of the student engaging in malpractice will not be allowed to complete the test.

6. After the Test

There will be NO SHARING of results. Test results will only be disclosed to  the Chinese International School, Hong Kong.