St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School

27-47 Gloucester Ave, Berwick VIC 3806
No Boarding
No ELICOS Program
Established year 1926
Tuition fee $34,068-$35,277
External IDAT Testing

About school

St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School is a non-denominational independent school catering for the whole family, providing co-education from the early years to Year 6 and single gender education from Year 7 to Year 12. St Margaret’s School and Berwick Grammar School is based on a proud and distinguished 93 year history and is a highly regarded provider of academic, sporting and performing excellence within a nurturing and personalised student culture. Living in a global society of immense choice and diversity, the school endeavours to empower children to make decisions that are anchored on firm and positive values. These values enable our students to live effectively as well-informed citizens and approach school and life in a positive way whenever possible. Our students develop an understanding of important concepts; conduct research that has local and global significance; acquire a range of essential skills; develop positive attitudes towards learning, the environment and other people. The academic learning is enhanced by the introduction of the laptop program at the commencement of Year 5. Individual laptops provide valuable tools, which enables the students to develop key skills in digital technologies. Extra-curricular activities incorporate music, sport, outdoor education, academic extension, Year 6 Canberra Tour, and community service inspires the students to embrace life’s challenges and opportunities. This provides a strong foundation for the students before commencing their senior years.