Quality Schools Use IDAT: UNISUS School, Canada

Quality Schools Use IDAT: UNISUS School, Canada

by Jakki Postlethwaite

At a glance: UNISUS School, Canada

UNISUS has been using the IDAT for international student admissions since 2023 and was the first Canadian school to work with IDAT.

UNISUS School is a co-educational International Baccalaureate Boarding School in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. It offers an exceptional education experience from early childhood to Grade 12. Its Academics+ program empowers students to pursue their own path to success, with academics always at the core.

With a globally recognized curriculum, a diverse international community, and personalized learning experiences with university and career guidance, UNISUS School gives students the foundation to achieve their unique goals—no matter which path they choose to pursue.

Reliable and Personalised Admissions with the International Diagnostic and Admissions Test (IDAT)

In consultation with a child psychologist, specialising in educational support, the IDAT uses multiple-choice questions of preference and affinity to assess students’ executive skills. The skills chosen are based on desired and essential behaviours identified for success in a global education environment.

Students are assessed in terms of the following behaviours and skills:

  • self-awareness
  • risk-taking, adaptation, and resiliency
  • creativity and problem solving
  • communication and empathy.

Further, the Global Knowledge component of the IDAT (Stages 3-6), demonstrates a student’s ability to think critically, reason and deduce logically, and make reasonable assumptions and inferences.

Every student who applies to UNISUS School completes the IDAT as part of the admissions process. The data collected means the school can assess each student’s level of understanding in English language, mathematics, and global languages. By using the IDAT, UNISUS is able to gain a holistic view of potential students, ensuring better alignment between the school and the student.

“The IDAT provides valuable insights into a student’s character and preferred learning style, enabling us to make informed decisions and provide tailored support to help each learner succeed.”

Daniella Timmer Admissions Managemer
Uniquely UNISUS School

UNISUS School’s academic excellence is complemented by three key elements that provide a fully comprehensive educational experience that goes far beyond the classroom to shape well-rounded, open-minded, and resilient individuals. Its boarding environment teaches essential life skills; its broad range of sport and outdoor activities foster passion and preparedness for a rapidly changing word; and its multicultural student cohort develops global perspectives.

The central characteristics of the UNISUS School community are:

  • Global perspective: The diverse student body and international faculty create a truly global learning environment.
  • Personalized learning: Tailored educational pathways help meet the individual needs and aspirations of each student.
  • Experiential learning: Outdoor education, entrepreneurship programs, and innovative technology, provide students with hands-on learning opportunities.
  • Scholar-Athlete Program: Students who excel in both academics and athletics are offered specialized training and support.
  • Strong community: A caring and supportive community which cultivate strong relationships between students, faculty, and staff.

UNISUS School and the future with IDAT

Looking toward the future, UNISUS School is eager to welcome students who meet its student profile and embrace its mission of inspiring globally-minded citizens, critical thinkers, and positive change makers.

By using the IDAT, UNISUS School can identify those applicants who possess curiosity and adaptability; are ready to contribute meaningfully; and have the foundational skills needed for success. IDAT looks forward to continuing its support of UNISUS School in its mission by providing a reliable admissions tool for not only assessing academic abilities but also the key student qualities beyond academics.

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